I was born into an ordinary family and I was brought up with very little luxury. I grew up in an environment where dreaming or nurturing a dream in the mind is treated like an Extravaganza. But believe me, I was born to be a dreamer!!
From the moment I got a sense of this world, from then until now I have painted infinite dreams on the huge canvas of my mind with the colours of my imagination. In spite of the ruthless and harsh criticism I received from the so-called “Society,” I still lived each and every dream of mine.
My mother has always been there for me to motivate me. She used to read books to me. She taught me to read even before I could go to school. Through my mother, I read a lot of literature during my infant days which in normal circumstances no child can think of reading. I read Hindu scriptures like Upanishads, Maha Puranas, Ramayana, Mahabharata and many more. By reading these books at an early stage of life my imagination and thought power expanded beyond my age limits.
The best luxury in the world is not only to have the richness of money or the luxury of materialistic things (yes, definitely these things are important) but more than this, having the luxury of thoughts, imagination, and willpower is the real crux to achieve your motive on this earth.
Childhood and adolescence are bliss. But this is not true for everyone, especially those who are suffering from any kind of disabilities in the body, mental and physical syndromes, diseases or any other irregularities.
To have a plump and chubby baby is a matter of pride for all parents, but when this chubbiness transforms into obesity it is no longer a matter of pride.
Obesity is one of the biggest monsters which spoils childhood & destroys many innocent lives. I was a victim of childhood obesity which lasted for many years and became the main reason for spoiling my school and college life.
I lived my adolescent life in grief and with an inferiority complex that I am an abnormal person, who does not deserve any kind of love and respect in life. I was not the only one responsible for this image I made of myself. Our society has some norms for beauty. For most people, beauty is always external and should be visible to the eyes like Fair complexion, Charming features, Slim body, Symmetrical face etc and the list goes on and on. For a girl or a boy who does not have these beauty norms, they have to face difficulty in life.
The problems I faced in my childhood were mental abuse, insult, humiliation, and degradation from my parents, school teachers, friends, and neighbours just because I was fat, chubby and ugly. Well, what is my fault if my body carried my parents and forefathers’ genes of obesity? When I am their blood and flesh how can they blame me and bring my morale down by taunting me all the time that I am fat, ugly and I don’t deserve any success in life? I know this is not the mentality of my parents.
Many fat and chubby children face similar problems where their parents blame them for their physical appearance. I would like to ask all the parents out there Is it really logical and rational to blame your own child and always harass him or her for his or her physical abnormalities?”
In which way do you think it will help your child to grow up and solve this problem? It’s the cruellest way to treat your child in this way, where you are disregarding the gift of God you were wishing for the most.
Please wake up and support your child. Maybe the whole world can stand against your child but if a child is well supported by his parents no impediment can dare to stop him.
At the age of 16, I became a victim of PCOD (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome – which is a disease related to irregular menstrual cycle). Normally a girl gets her menstrual cycle once a month, I used to get it every week. I used to have a heavy flow which used to last for 8 to 9 days which is dangerous. The blood count in my body reduced to the lowest level and my weight increased to 85 kg.
I became pale and had to swell in my body. I was bedridden for months waiting for this nightmare to get over. The ruthless conduct I received from my father and school teachers, during this time span in spite of my illness crushed my self-confidence and self-esteem.
Even though the time was rough and hard for me, I was always thankful to God. In that moment of pain and suffering, I was determined that this would be the first and last time I would be bedridden in my life. On that bed, I made a commitment to myself that “One day I will become the most beautiful, most attractive and strongest woman I ever know.” People can see my fatness and ugly face, but I was able to see the beauty, charm, and spotlessness of my soul beyond their limits because I am special.
After spending my school and college life in an inferiority complex because of my physical appearance, In 2010 I finally came across The Secret documentary made by Rhonda Byrne. When I saw the Secret documentary my perception towards my life changed completely. Many people who watched the Secret experienced the same and have transformed their lives. With the positive note of the secret, I changed my entire thought pattern.
Having said all this, the journey was not all that easy. Initially, I struggled a lot to replace my negative mindset. In this process that I followed, I learned that no matter what your situation is, whether you have something or not, or whether you are going through a rough phase in life, all we need is self-motivation and endless efforts to move ahead.
The road which you have chosen to reach your destination has its own distance and you alone will have to walk this road in spite of all the pain and hardships that may come of the journey.
And this is exactly what I did. Throughout my pain and tears, I pushed myself through the situations of life. In this journey, I met Dr Pradnya Joshi Deshmukh, my doctor and an angel sent by the universe, who treated me with homoeopathy medicines and bach flower remedies and made me completely fit and fine.
I am happy to say that all my psychological and physical problems have been cured very well. It was through her constant counselling, treatment, and motivation through her coaching from The Secret and other great authors that I got the confidence to stand and become brave in life and fight against all the challenges.
The most important things which I followed are:
Number One:
I read a lot of books on the Law of Attraction and took all the positive messages from them. I maintained a diary where I wrote my entire journey of life to date. I used to meditate when things went wrong. In this process, I realized that I spoiled many things and much more happiness in my life with my own hands just because I had a lack of patience.
Always remember there is no lack of will, but there is a lack of patience.
After I realized this, I made efforts to maintain my thoughts and learned to wait and have patience. I am still learning to wait for the best things to happen in my life.
Number two:
I used to meditate for hours and hours in the initial days to be focused on what I wanted. A good figure, a glazing face, glamour, a job, money etc. I wrote down what I wanted as if it had already appeared in my life. For e.g. “Now my hair is thick and dark brown in colour, my eyes are beautiful and dark brown in colour, and my body is now totally healthy and fit”.
I have reduced 23 kg with the proper protein diet and weight training and now my weight is 60 kg.
My fat percentage totally decreased and my muscle percentage increased. Whatever affirmations I had written in my book came true after one year. They are still realizing.

I became fair, my skin became clean and my hair became thick and brown naturally. The most amazing thing is that I wrote a wish in my diary that I wanted dark brown eyes. I have black eyes and I wanted them to be dark brown just like my father’s eyes. After writing this wish and after affirming and meditating every day, my eye colour has turned dark brown as I had wished for. I have old photographs where my eyes are black in colour and in the new photographs, there is a drastic change visible in the color of my eyes.
One needs to make an effort and have patience.
Meditate for half an hour every day. (Learn How to Start Doing Meditation)
Focus on what you want. Write down and maintain your own diary and then let it go. Don’t think about it.
Focus on your hobbies. Take time to do what you love to do. It can be gym work-out, dancing or any activity which makes you fatigued and uses your physical energy.
Exercise grooms your personality and a good personality can achieve many goals easily in life.
Lack of confidence comes from a lack of patience and haste to make things happen.
Things will happen at the right time. You need to be persistent, cool, and calm and let the magic unfold by itself.
Aligning yourself with positive vibrations all the time is a challenging task, but I am asking you to do the same.
Make a clear vision of your life and your mind all the time. When I look at myself in the mirror today I look exactly like what I had dreamed to look like.

From the age of 10, I had always dreamed of becoming this fit and strong. It is never too late or too early. Moments together make your whole time to collect the vision you have painted by your imagination. Let the time do its work and you do yours.
- 50 Best Weight Loss Affirmations To Get Your Perfect Body
I have learned many occult sciences to date. Meditation helped me to realize the occult world which is beyond the “rational world” we live in. I have learned astrology, numerology, and Reiki and enjoy the learnings of these great sciences. I feel whatever I am learning now is real and makes me happier.
My goal now is to help people to achieve their aim in life. My heartfelt gratitude to the secret team, The Secret official website and my secret family group on Facebook. I have made many friends who keep motivating me. I am thankful to Dr. Pradnya Deshmukh, my Reiki teacher – Dr. Manasi Agnihotri, my astrologer guide – Abhijit Jadhav, my uncle who is my numerology guide – Mahaveer Sangalikar and my inspiration fitness, fitness mentor and my coach international physic athlete – Mr. Rensu Chandran.
My special thanks to Ajaya Sir(Awesome AJ). He is a great human being and motivates all the time. His quotes and writings have always inspired me to achieve my aim in life. It’s not easy to be motivated all the time. Even today I sometimes feel the darkness of dismay. Hopelessness comes in when the process, of realizing my dreams is delayed. But hats off to Ajay sir, not even a single time I have seen him complaining about situations. I take great pleasure in displaying myself as a life transformer on his website. I hope my story will give relief to all those lovely children and people who are a victim of obesity and other physical disabilities.
Just believe, that dreams do come true but the most difficult part is believing in your dreams with blind eyes and chasing it with broken legs even when no one else believes or has trust in your dreams.
What I mean is, that when your time is rough and you are running out of resources and when you feel that you cannot take it anymore, just remember the blaze of fire within your heart about your aim and go on! This way all your dreams will be realized. Wish you all the best for your future prospects.
The Universe is always there to help you!
Thank You,